Romance Reloaded with ‘If you hold my hand’
The challenge, as always, was how to package an old bottle of wine in a newer way?
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The challenge, as always, was how to package an old bottle of wine in a newer way?
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The trickiest part was the Sargam in the first verse – “SA NI DHA PA, NI DHA PA MA GA”. We tried to fit in word after word, phrase after phrase but nothing was as magical as the Sargam itself. So finally, we decided to keep the Sargam as it is. A good musician knows the value of silence and uses it to his / her advantage. Likewise, a songwriter should also know where to put words and where to just let the musical notes do the talking.
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‘Sir, India ka gaana hai! Ijjat se banana hai!’
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Ironically, ‘Selfie le le re’ was a last minute addition to the song. It just sealed the song for us because all the rest of the stuff was so rustic and desi. Read more
What I’m trying to say is that Chicken has been sitting and clucking away to glory on the dividing lines that run through Indian kitchens. It’s not the division of India and Pakistan, Hindu and Muslim – it runs through the family.
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