Dear Monday

Relationships should be based on truth and honesty. Honestly, it’s just not working out between us; and the truth is I hate you.

Dear Monday,

Relationships should be based on truth and honesty. Honestly, it’s just not working out between us; and the truth is I hate you.

Yes, I lied to you about the dark circles and the headache. But I’m not dying; it was just a stupid hangover. And maybe if I had a few hours of sleep instead of having to wake up, ‘cause someone didn’t know how to party last night (that someone was you), I’d be feeling better, sooner.

‘Mon’ in French means mine. I wanted you to be ‘my day’, but unfortunately that can never happen. So from now on, I’m calling Saturday as my day. I love Saturday. And I’ll tell you why. It never asks me who I was with on Friday and where I’m going on Sunday.

And I’m seeing Friday and Sunday too, because unlike you, they are fun! You should learn from them. The three of them are always hanging out together and there’s never a dull moment around them. They take me places. They understand my needs for sensory pleasures and never judge me. They bring tequila and chicken wings to the table, not ‘ethics’ and ‘responsibility’. They are encouraging, cheerful friends who are a positive influence on me that you and your loser friend Tuesday could never be.

I’m sorry if this hurts you but you’ve been hurting me every time I see you since school. Enough is enough now! It’s over. Hope this helps you to become a better person than the whiny, demanding, ruthless and cold freak that you are. I hope you find some friends or at least a good shrink.

Yours never,
Mayur Puri.

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